Archived Project Directory Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorFunding AgencyResearch CenterCARES Act University Center Supplemental Disaster Recovery and Resiliency AwardMeyerEDACSTEPKU University Center: KU for KSMeyerEDACSTEPExploring Culturally Responsive STEM Pathways for Native UndergraduatesJohnsonNSFC-FIRSTChild Care Licensing in KansasHeggenessUnited WEKPCHaskell Environmental Research StudiesJohnsonNSFC-FIRSTCommunity Health Access Section Kansas Statewide Farmworker Health Program EvaluationJorgensonKDHE Teachers and Students for Community-Oriented Research and Education: Linking Industry Partners, Faculty, and TeachersJorgensonNIH Climate Change and Health: Examining the Intersection of Climate Change Risks and Health EquityDaleyCHRR Economic Interdependence and National Security in the 21st CenturyZhangMinerva Technology Education for Women in Transition: Broadening Participation Through InnovationsSeoNSF Assessing the Impact of Lead Agency Cross-Functional Authority on City Sustainability OutcomesKrauseNSF Research Services to the Governor's Council on Tax ReformGintherKDORCSTEPThe Expansions InitiativeWebbAPSA Doctoral Dissertation Research: Beyond the Law: Responding to Sexual Violence with Restorative JusticeTakeyama & BarefootNSF Doctoral Dissertation Research: When Locals Adapt to NewcomersNagel & AdamsonNSF Doctoral Dissertation Research: Exploring On-farm Innovation, Environmental Change, and Rural Livelihoods in the US Hop IndustryStock & ComiNSF Macro-level Influences on Police Decision-making and Engagement with Victims of Serious CrimesSattlerNIJ Facilitating Indigenous Research, Science, and Technology in Alaska, Hawai'i, and the Continental U.S.JohnsonNSFC-FIRSTA Benefit-Cost Analysis: Team for Infants Exposed to Substance Abuse ProgramJorgensonCMH Examining Causal Effects on Changes in State Policies on Access to TANF Benefits and TANF Case ClosuresGintherRWJFCSTEPTrade War Lab Mercatus Center Research CollaborationZhangMercatus The Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Developments on Kansas and Kansas CommunitiesGintherNextEra The Cost to Kansans of Failure to Expand MedicaidGintherREACHCSTEPSafeguarding and Enhancing the Experience of Public Internet UsersStaplesNSFSSRCAssessing the Influence of Hazard Mitigation Planning on Disaster RecoveryLylesNSFCCSC