Data Services
Staff can assist affiliated faculty and student researchers with:
- Locating public data
- Data collection
- Data management
- Data documentation
- Data visualization
- Data dissemination
Locating Public Data
IPSR staff have extensive experience with federal and state data sources. We can help you find and use data from the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and many other sources.
Data Management
We have expertise with complex data management tasks such as data integration, data transformation, data aggregation and reading complex or unstructured data.
Data Management Plan Templates
Online Learning Modules
Data Documentation
We offer consultation on best data documentation practices. IPSR staff have working knowledge of social science metadata standards. We can help researchers capture and structure data documentation during the research process.
- Colectica is a robust tool to design, document, and public data in open data standards.
- Colectica for Excel is a free plugin to document variable and code lists during data creation or reuse.
Data Visualization
Do you need maps or graphs for your research publication? IPSR can make your graphs look professional. IPSR staff can also use GIS to spatially represent your data.
- RAWGraphs is a free, web-based visualization package
- Tableau is desktop data visualization software
- The Data Visualization Catalog
- The Data Viz Project
- The R Graph Gallery
- Selecting the Right Data Visualization
- From Data to Viz
We also have guidance and templates available for proposal development as part of our project support. Contact us to access those resources.
Data Dissemination
IPSR can assist with depositing research publications and data in KU ScholarWorks. Staff can also advise on other resources for archiving research data.
Social Science Data Repositories
- KU ScholarWorks is offered at no cost to faculty, staff, and students, and offers guided self-curation.
- ICPSR at the University of Michigan accepts data through an application process. There's no cost to KU-affiliated researchers. Curation is available.
- openICPSR is offered at no cost, with curation.
- The Qualitative Data Repository at Syracuse University offers resources on qualitative data and accepts data deposits, with a fee to cover curation expenses.
You can find more information about data sharing requirements for different federal agencies through SPARC*.