Teachers and Students for Community-Oriented Research and Education: Linking Industry Partners, Faculty, and Teachers

TSCORE LIFT will create a community linkage among 5 health systems, 5 universities, and 5 school districts to develop and test a series of 3 educational interventions along the Kansas Health and Biosciences Career Pathway. The community linkages will empower teacher partners to deliver educational content and real-life experiences in the health care industry for students. This novel health and bioscience program will create educational and workforce pathways for students underrepresented in the health care industry and address critical workforce shortages in the state in the immediate future.

National Institutes of Health Science and Education Partnership Award via Unive…

T-SCORE LIFT Project Website

KU Principal Investigator

Lindsay Elliott Jorgenson, research associate

Project Principal Investigator

Megha Ramaswamy, professor of population health, University of Kansas Medical Center

Project Dates

September 2021 – August 2026

Funding Agency