Project Directory

IPSR active sponsored research projects
Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorFunding AgencyResearch Center
CAREER: Integrated Modeling of Hazard Mitigation Stakeholder Networks for Compassionate, Sustainable Risk ReductionLylesNSFCCSC
Climate Adaptation Outreach SupportLylesUCARCCSC
Return on Investment Study for Kansas Works Office of Registered ApprenticeshipMilakhinaKansasCSTEP
Just Energy Transitions and PlaceOutkaSloanCCSC
Developing Sustainable Ecosystems that Support Women Transitioning from Incarceration into Technology CareersSeoNSF 
Plugging and Pulling-in: Turning Peptides for ToIC to Overcome Antibiotic ResistanceSluskyNIH 
Violence and Police Reform in Latin AmericaVeraKUCR 
Refocusing Election Administration Cost Research to 20/20: Understanding the Cost Structure and Cost Dynamics of Election Administration into the 2020sMohrKUCR 
Examining the economic-scarcity and health-equity impact on marginalized communities in the Kansas City, Mo., metro region of state preemptive policyKolibaRWJF 
Sloan Indigenous Graduate PartnershipBrewerSloan C-FIRST
Kansas Data Science ConsortiumBranicky & GirardKNE 
Effects of Long-Term Consumption of Low-Glycemic, Non-GMO Rice on Insulin Sensitivity, Inflammation and Risk of Diabetes in the Upper Amazon: A Household-Based Community Study. Dean & RobbinsKUEA 
Complex Linkages, Ambivalent Ties: Global Security and Economic Interdependence in the 21st CenturyZhangMinerva 
Evaluation of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Science Diversity Leadership AwardGintherCZI 
Kansas Digital Equity and Inclusion CollaborativeSeoKHF 
Dealing with Disruption: Investigating the Micro-level Underpinnings of City Response to the Climate CrisisKrauseNSF 
Using Publication, Patent, and NSF Grant Data Linked to the Survey of Doctorate Recipients to Understand Science Career TrajectoriesGintherNSFCSTEP
Examining the Career Barriers Confronting African American or Black Biomedical ScientistsGintherNSF & NIHCSTEP
Investigating the Genetic History of the Central and Southern PlainsRaffNSF 
Optimized Spatial Data Conflation with Topological ConditionsLeiNSF 
The Genetic History of the Aleut PeopleRaffNSF 
Digital Homelessness in the Heartland: Safeguarding and Enhancing the Experiences of Public Internet UsersDavidsonNSF 
The Effect of State Disinvestment in Higher EducationGintherNSFCSTEP
Conferences to Strengthen the Kansas Health Economics CommunitySluskyNSF 
FEWtures: Innovation Analysis Framework for Resilient Futures, with Application to the Central Arkansas River BasinHillNSFCEP
KU Trade War LabZhangKUOR 
Native Prairie Restoration & Climate Resilience on the Ioway Nation in Kansas and NebraskaBrewerKNE 
Kansas Data Science Training Pathways – An Integrated Model GirardKNE 
An Institutional and Behavioral Design Approach to Improving the Use of Flood Forecast Information for the Kansas City Metro Portion of the Missouri River BasinKolibaKNE 
TEAMSPORT to Community TEAMSPORT: Validating and Adapting a Precision Oncology Reflect Testing TeamEllisNIH 
ARISE EvaluationBrittonNSF 
JCOIN Coordination and Translation CenterDaleyUMass 
Childhood Housing Assistance and Adult Health: Life Course Critical Periods and Cumulative ImpactGintherCMH 
The Care Board: A Dashboard on, for, and about Care Work and Caregivers in the USHeggenessSloanKPC
Evaluation of Rising Voices, Changing CoastsHolmes & KangNSF 
Enhanced Forecast Design Through Experimental Gaming and Social Impact Assessment of Connected River and FloodplainsKolibaNOAA 
Governing Green Transitions (GOGREEN)KolibaRoskilde 
CIROH: Modeling Community Trust: A Collaborative Approach to Scoping Water Forecasting Needs and NOAAP Product Use in Indigenous Communities of Northeast OklahomaKolibaNOAA 
Leveraging Big Data to Improve Women's HealthGinther NIHCSTEP
Transparency Effects: Audience Perceptions of Journalists Ethics Training DisclosureAppelmanPenn State  
The Economic Impacts of a Grid-Level Energy Storage Development on Kansas and Kansas CommunitiesGintherPlus Power Resources LLC 
Estimating the Economic Impact of the Health Care Sector in Kansas and Kansas Counties, 2025GintherKHA 
The Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Developments on Jackson County, KSGintherNextEra Energy 
Exploring the Association between E-Broker Services and Consumer ChoiceGintherSelectQuote 
Early Career Doctorates, Postdoctoral Researchers and the Scientific EnterpriseGintherAlfred P. Sloan Foundation