Research Services to the Governor's Council on Tax Reform

Governor Laura Kelly's Council on Tax Reform was created in 2019 to study tax policy issues and make recommendations to ensure that the people of the state of Kansas can rely on a fair and effective tax system. Institute for Policy & Social Research staff, under the direction of Donna K. Ginther, provided research services to the council.

Council on Tax Reform

Principal Investigator

Donna K. Ginther, director of IPSR, Regents and Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor of Economics

Project Dates

February 2020 – December 2021

Funding Agency 

IPSR Research Center 

Cover of Governor's Council on Tax Reform Final Report, title in front of Konza Prairie photograph

Governor’s Council on Tax Reform Recommends Immediate End to State Sales Tax on Groceries

The Governor’s Council on Tax Reform has published its final report, which strongly advocates for an immediate end to the state sales tax on groceries and the restoration of a broader and more balanced tax base.