Native Prairie Restoration & Climate Resilience on the Ioway Nation in Kansas and Nebraska

The research objective of this proposed land stewardship project is to help build amore climate resilient future for the Iowa Nation in Kansas and Nebraska. Currently, climate change resilience planning in tribal communities remains a paramount focus of land stewardship, in that communities underpin Indigenous practices in collaboration with Western methodologies to create more resilient cultural and ecological futures. This project will not exhaust the practice of prairie restoration on Ioway Nation lands, the intention is to set the stage for the next steps of this important resilience work by: 1) the creation of a land stewardship plan with native prairie restoration serving as a piece of the overall plan; 2) co-facilitated workshops in the Ioway community on cultural burns and native prairie restoration led by community and university experts; 3) writing a new more robust grant intended for another granting agency, to carry on this important resilience work

ARISE Research & Education Innovation Awards

Principal Investigator

Joseph P. Brewer II, director of Indigenous Studies and professor of environmental students

Project Dates

December 2023 – May 2027

Funding Agency