Donna K. Ginther

- Roy A. Roberts and Regents Distinguished Professor, Economics
- Director, Institute for Policy & Social Research
- Director, Center for Science, Technology, and Economic Policy
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Economics
Contact Info
1541 Lilac Lane
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
- 0000-0002-0881-7969
- Economics Department Page
- Google Scholar Page
- CV
Biography —
Donna K. Ginther is the Roy A. Roberts & Regents Distinguished Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute for Policy & Social Research at the University of Kansas and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Prior to joining the University of Kansas faculty, she was a research economist and associate policy adviser in the regional group of the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta from 2000 to 2002 and taught at Washington University from 1997 to 2000 and Southern Methodist University from 1995 to 1997. Her major fields of study are scientific labor markets, gender differences in employment outcomes, wage inequality, science policy, and investments in children.
Dr. Ginther has published in several journals, including Science, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Demography, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, and the Papers and Proceedings of the American Economic Association. She has also received research funding from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Her research has been featured in several media outlets including the Economist, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, NPR, and the Boston Globe.
Dr. Ginther testified before the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education of the U.S. House of Representatives on the Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Act of 2008 and the Working Group on Women in the 21st Century Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives. Dr. Ginther has advised the National Academies of Science, the National Institutes of Health, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation on the diversity and future of the scientific workforce. She is currently Vice President of the Southern Economic Association and previously served on its Board. She is a member of the American Economic Association Committee on Equity, Diversity and Professional Conduct and previously served on the Nominations Committee and the Board of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession.
A native of Wisconsin, Dr. Ginther received her doctorate in economics in 1995, master's degree in economics in 1991, and bachelor of arts in economics in 1987, all from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Education —
Teaching —
ECON 526: Introduction to Econometrics
Course Description:
Introduction to Econometrics is the study of statistical methods used by economists. Topics include: economic data, statistical foundations of econometrics, translation of economic models into empirical models, bivariate and multiple regression techniques, hypothesis testing, specification testing, time series analysis, and limited dependent variable models. Prerequisites: ECON 142, ECON 144, and MATH 526 or equivalent.
ECON 770: Economics of Labor Markets
Course Description:
This is a graduate level course that addresses the theoretical and empirical issues surrounding the economics of labor markets. Topics covered include: labor supply, labor demand, the human capital model, wage structure, discrimination, and unemployment. Econ 700 or equivalent and Econ 715, Econ 526 or equivalent are required.
ECON 818: Econometrics II
Course Description:
This course introduces students to the data and econometric methods used in the fields of applied micro and macroeconomics. The course will focus on econometric theory, estimator choice, and applications of empirical methods. Topics covered include economic data and statistical programming, measurement error, instrumental variables, seemingly unrelated regression, simultaneous equation models, generalized method of moments, maximum likelihood, limited dependent variable models, and time series. Attention will be given to the suitability of the methods to the research question under consideration. Prerequisites: Econ 817 or permission of the instructor.
ECON 870: Applied Microeconomics
Course Description:
This course introduces students to the data and empirical methods used in the fields of applied economics such as labor economics, health economics, public finance, and industrial organization. The course will focus on how to adjust for self-selection and identify causal relationships in applied microeconomic fields. Topics covered include economic data and statistical programming, instrumental variables, difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, count data, sample selection, treatment effects, and duration models. Attention will be given to the suitability of the methods to the research question under consideration. Each topic will emphasize the proper application of the methods using the standard textbook treatment as well as assigned papers that examine the basic economic issues, the econometric techniques, and the applications to data. Prerequisites: Econ 817 and 818 or permission of the instructor.
Selected Publications —
Ginther, D. K., & Zavodny, M. (2003). Technology, Growth and the Labor Market. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Press.
Book Chapters
Ginther, D. K., Currie, J. M., Blau, F. D., & Croson, R. T.A. (2020). Mentoring matters for women in economics. In S. Lundberg, Women in Economics. CEPR Press. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ceci, S. J., Ginther, D. K., Kahn, S., & Williams, W. M. (2018). Culture, Sex and Intelligence: Descriptive and Proscriptive Issues. In R. J. Sternberg, The Nature of Human Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kahn, S., & Ginther, D. K. (2018). Women and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM): Are Differences in Education and Careers due to Stereotypes, Interests or Family? In S. L. Averett, L. M. Argys, & S. D. Hoffman, The Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Women. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Also released as NBER Working Paper W23525.
Ginther, D. K., & Kahn, S. (2014). Women’s Careers in Academic Social Science: Progress, Pitfalls and Plateaus. In A. Lanteri & J. Vromen, The Economics of Economists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ginther, D., & Kahn, S. (2013). Academic women's careers in the social sciences. In The Economics of Economists: Institutional Setting, Individual Incentives, and Future Prospects (pp. 285-315). doi:10.1017/CBO9781139059145.015 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Currie, J. M., Croson, R. T. A., & Ginther, D. K. (2013). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? Interim Results from a Randomized Trial. In Gender, Inequality, and Wages. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199665853.003.0012 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., & Kahn, S. (2006). Does Science Promote Women? Evidence from Academia 1973-2001, (2009). In R. B. Freeman & D. F. Goroff, Science and Engineering Careers in the United States. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press for NBER Science Engineering Workforce Project.
Ginther, D. K. (2003). A Discussion of Skill-Biased Technological Change and Wage Inequality. In D. K. Ginther & M. Zavodny, Technology, Growth and the Labor Market (pp. 161-167). Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Press.
Ginther, D. K., & Bierens, H. (2002). Integrated Conditional Moment Testing of Quantile Regression Models. In B. Fitzenberger, R. Koenker, & J. A.F. Machado, Studies in Empirical Economics: Economic Applications of Quantile Regression (pp. 307-324). Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. Reprinted
Ginther, D. K., & Juhn, C. (2001). Employment of Women and Demand-Side Forces. In S. W. Polachek, Research in Labor Economics: Worker Wellbeing in a Changing Labor Market (Vol. 20, pp. 289-309). Oxford: Elsevier.
Ginther, D. K. (2000). A Nonparametric Analysis of the U.S. Earnings Distribution. In T. B. Fomby & R. C. Hill, Advances in Econometrics: Applying Kernel and Nonparametric Estimation to Economic Topics (Vol. 14, pp. 275-307). Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
Journal Articles
Journal Articles 2016–Present
Ginther, D. K., & Slusky, D. (in revision). Did Medicaid Expansion Reduce Medical Divorce? The Review of Economics of the Household. Also released as NBER Working paper W23139
Ginther, D. K., & Heggeness, M. L. (2020). Administrative discretion in scientific funding: Evidence from a prestigious postdoctoral training program. Research Policy, 49(4). doi:10.1016/j.respol.2020.103953 (Reviewed/Refereed). Also released as NBER Working Paper 26841.
Colvin, J. D., Richardson, T., Ginther, D. K., Hall, M., & Chung, P. J. (2020). Economy-Sensitive Conditions: Are Some Pediatric Hospitalizations Triggered By Economic Recessions? Health Affairs, 39(10), 1783-1791. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., Grasdal, A., & Pollak, R. (in revision). Fathers’ Multiple-Partner Fertility and Childrens’ Educational Outcomes. Demography, (No. 26242). (Reviewed/Refereed). NBER Working paper W26242.
Hill, E., Slusky, D. J., & Ginther, D. K. (2019). Reproductive Health Care in Catholic-owned Hospitals. Journal of Health Economics, 65, 48-62. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2019.02.005 (Reviewed/Refereed). Also released as NBER Working Paper 23768
Ginther, D. K., Basner, J., Jensen, U., Schnell, J., Kington, R., & Schaffer, W. T. (2018). Publications as Predictors of Racial and Ethnic Differences in NIH Research Awards. PLOS One, 13(11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0205929 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K. (2018). Using Data to Inform the Science of Broadening Participation. American Behavioral Scientist. doi:10.1177/0002764218768865 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Rosenbloom, J. L., & Ginther, D. K. (in press). Show Me the Money: Federal R&D Support for Academic Chemistry, 1990-2009. Research Policy, 46, 1454-1464. (Reviewed/Refereed). Also released as NBER Working Paper W23555, 2017.
Kahn, S., & Ginther, D. K. (2017). The Impact of Postdocs on Early Careers in Biomedicine. Nature Biotechnology, 35(1), 90-94. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., Kahn, S., & Schaffer, W. T. (2016). Gender, Race, Ethnicity and NIH R01 Research Awards: Is There Evidence of a Double Bind? Academic Medicine, 91(8), 1098-1107. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000001278 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Rosenbloom, J. L., & Ginther, D. K. (2016). The Effectiveness of Social Science Research In Addressing Societal Problems: Broadening Participation in Computing. doi:10.1093/scipol/scw062 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Journal Articles 2011–2015
Ginther, D. K., & Kahn, S. (2015). Comment on "expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines". Science, 349(6246), 391-b. doi:10.1126/science.aaa9632 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Rosenbloom, J. L., Ginther, D. K., Juhl, T., & Heppert, J. A. (2015). The effects of research & development funding on scientific productivity: Academic chemistry, 1990-2009. PLoS ONE, 10(9). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138176 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kahn, S., & Ginther, D. K. (2015). Are recent cohorts of women with engineering bachelors less likely to stay in engineering? Frontiers in Psychology, 6. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01144 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., & Kahn, S. (2015). WOMEN IN SCIENCE. Comment on "Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines. Science (New York, N.Y.), 349(6246), 391. doi:10.1126/science.aaa9632 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., Ceci, S. J., Kahn, S., & Williams, W. M. (2015). The Path to Progress. Scientific American Mind, 26(1), 32-39. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ceci, S. J., Ginther, D. K., Kahn, S., & Williams, W. M. (2014). Women in Academic Science: A Changing Landscape. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Supplement, 15(3), 75-141. doi:10.1177/1529100614541236 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., Haak, L., Schaffer, W., Kington, R., et al. (2012). Are Race, Ethnicity, and Medical School Affiliation Associated with NIH R01 Type 1 Award Probability for Physician Investigators? Academic Medicine, 87(11), 1516-1524. doi:10.1097/ACM.0b013e31826d726b (Reviewed/Refereed)
Haak, L. L., Baker, D., Ginther, D. K., Gordon, G. J., Probus, M. A., Kannankutty, N., Weinberg, B. A., et al. (2012). Standards and Infrastructure for Innovation Data Exchange. Science, 338(6104), 196-197. doi:10.1126/science.1221840 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., Schaffer, W. T., Haak, L. L., et al. (2011). Response. Science, 334(6058), 899-901. doi:10.1126/science.334.6058.899-c (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., Schaffer, W., Schnell, J., Masimore, B., Liu, F., Haak, L., & Kington, R. (2011). Race, Ethnicity, and NIH Research Awards. Science, 333(6045), 1015-1019. doi:10.1126/science.1196783 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Journal Articles 2006–2010
Ginther, D. K. (2010). An Interview with James J. Heckman. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 14(4), 548-584. doi:10.1017/S1365100510000611 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K. (2010). Women at Work: An Economic Perspective. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(3), 644-646. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Tucker, D., Ginther, D. K., & Winkler, J. A. (2009). Gender Issues Among Academic AMS Members: Comparisons with the 1993 Membership Survey. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90(8), 1180-1191. doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2538.1 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Björklund, A., Ginther, D. K., & Sundström, M. (2007). Family Structure and Child Outcomes in the USA and Sweden. Journal of Population Economics, 20(1), 183-201. doi:10.1007/s00148-006-0094-7 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Journal Articles 1996–2005
Zavodny, M., & Ginther, D. K. (2005). Does the Beige Book Move Financial Markets? Southern Economic Journal, 72(1), 138-151. doi:10.2307/20062098 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., & Pollak, R. A. (2004). Family Structure and Children’s Educational Outcomes: Blended Families, Stylized Facts, and Descriptive Regressions. Demography, 41(4), 671-696. doi:10.1353/dem.2004.0031 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., & Kahn, S. (2004). Women in Economics: Moving Up or Falling Off the Academic Career Ladder? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(3), 193-214. doi:10.1257/0895330042162386 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K. (2004). Why Women Earn Less: Economic Explanations for the Gender Salary Gap in Science. AWIS Magazine, 33(1), 6-10. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., & Lampani, K. P. (2003). Does Job Displacement Explain Wage Inequality: A Nonparametric Examination. Journal of Income Distribution, 12(3-4), 131-148. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., & Hayes, K. J. (2003). Gender Differences in Salary and Promotion for Faculty in the Humanities. Journal of Human Resources, 38(1), 34-73. doi:10.2307/1558755 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K. (2003). Is MIT the Exception? Gender Pay Differentials in Academic Science 1973-1997. Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society, 23(1), 21-26. doi:10.1177/0270467602239767 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Bierens, H. J., & Ginther, D. K. (2001). Integrated Conditional Moment Testing of Quantile Regression Models. Empirical Economics, 26(1), 307-324. doi:10.1007/s001810000059 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., & Zavodny, M. (2001). The Beige Book: Timely Information on the Regional Economy. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, 86, 19-29. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., & Zavodny, M. (2001). Is the Male Marriage Premium Due to Selection? The Effect of Shotgun Weddings on the Return to Marriage. Journal of Population Economics, 14(2), 313-328. doi:10.1007/s001480000058 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., & Dadres, S. (2001). Regional Research and Development Intensity and Earnings Inequality. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, 86, 13-26. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K., Haveman, R., & Wolfe, B. (2000). Neighborhood Attributes as Determinants of Children's Outcomes: How Robust are the Results? The Journal of Human Resources, 35(4), 603-642. doi:10.2307/146365 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ginther, D. K. (2000). Alternative Estimates of the Effect of Schooling on Earnings. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(1), 103-116. doi:10.1162/003465300558542 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Wolfe, B., Haveman, R., Ginther, D. K., & An, C. B. (1996). The "Window Problem" in Studies of Children's Attainments: A Methodological Exploration. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 91(435), 970-982. doi:10.2307/2291716 (Reviewed/Refereed)
Book Reviews
Ginther, D. K. (2010). Review of Women at Work: An Economic Perspective by edited by Tito Boeri, Daniela Del Boca and Christopher Pissarides. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005, xiv + 287 pp., ISBN 0 19 928187 4, £55.00. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(3), 644-646.
Selected Presentations —
Keynote/Plenary Addresses
Ginther, D. K. (2017, December). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect? Childhood Poverty and the Kansas Welfare Crisis, Lawrence, KS. (Invited) (State)
Ginther, D. (2016, August). Publications as Predictors of Racial and Ethnic Differences in NIH Research Awards. Keystone Lecture, National Institute of Environmental Health Science, Durham, NC. (Invited)
Ginther, D. (2015, October). Publications as Predictors of Racial and Ethnic Differences in NIH Research Awards. 2015 Diversity Consortium Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD. (Invited)
Ginther, D. (2013, December). Race, Ethnicity, and NIH Research Awards. Keynote Speaker, AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved, Atlanta, Georgia. (Invited)
Ginther, D. K. (2013, February). New Results on Race, Ethnicity and NIH Research Awards: A Case Study in BD2K. Keynote Speaker, Byron T. Shutz Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. (Invited)
Ginther, D. (2013, February). Race, Ethnicity, and NIH Research Awards: A Case Study in Administrative Data to Knowledge (AD2K). Plenary Speaker, NSF Distinguished Lecture Series in Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, Arlington, VA. (Invited)
Ginther, D. (2012, May). Diversity in Academia: What Does the Future Hold. Keynote Speaker, 5th Annual Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Research Careers, Baltimore, MD. (Invited)
Ginther, D. (2011, February). Diversity in Academic Biomedicine: An Evaluation of Education and Career Outcomes with Implications for Policy. Keynote Speaker, University of California, Santa Cruz. (Invited)
Presentations 2016–Present
Ginther, D. K. (2021, January). Does Mentoring Increase the Collaboration Networks of Female Economists? An Evaluation of the CeMENT Randomized Trial. American Economic Association Annual Meetings.
Ginther, D. K. (2021, January). Women in Academic Economics: Have We Made Progress?. American Economic Association Annual Meetings.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, November). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? An Evaluation by Randomized Trial. California State University-Fullerton, Fullerton, California.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, November). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect?. Southern Economic Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, November). The Effect of State Budget Cuts on Faculty Mobility at Public Universities. Association for Public Policy and Management Conference, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, September). The Impact of Postdocs on Early Careers in Biomedicine. Research on Research Institute Conference on Reimagining the Postdoc, London, United Kingdom.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, August). Does Peer Review Identify the Best Science? Evidence from an Elite Fellowship Program. Joint Statistical Meetings.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, July). Does Peer Review Identify the Best Science? Evidence from an Elite Fellowship Program. National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, June). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect?. EALE/SOLE World Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, June). NIH SBIR/STTR Program: The Lack of Diversity Persists, . National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, May). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect?. Casey Family Programs, Seattle, Washington.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, February). Career Prospects in Academic Science and the Rise of Teamwork. University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas.
Ginther, D. K. (2020, January). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? An Evaluation by Randomized Trial. American Economic Association Annual Meetings, San Diego, California.
Ginther, D. K. (2019, November). Career Prospects in Academic Science and the Rise of Teamwork. Association for Public Policy and Management Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Ginther, D. K. (2019, September). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect?. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Ginther, D. K. (2019, July). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect?. Kansas Conference on Poverty, Topeka, Kansas.
Ginther, D. K. (2019, June). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect?. Institute for Research on Poverty, Madison, Wisconsin.
Ginther, D. K. (2019, January). Does Mentoring Increase the Collaboration Networks of Female Economists? An Evaluation of the CeMENT Randomized Trial. American Economic Association Annual Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia.
Ginther, D. K. (2018, June). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? An Evaluation by Randomized Trial. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Ginther, D. K. (2018, April). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? An Evaluation by Randomized Trial. RMIT, Melbourne, Australia.
Ginther, D. K. (2017, February). The Impact of Postdocs on Early Careers in Biomedicine. American Association for the Advancement of Science Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Ginther, D. K. (2017, January). The Impact of Postdocs on Early Careers in Biomedicine. University of Kansas Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Lawrence, Kansas.
Ginther, D. K. (2018, November). Does Peer Review Identify the Best Science? Evidence from an Elite Fellowship Program. Association for Public Policy and Management Conference, Washington, DC. (National)
Ginther, D. K. (2018, October). Why Do Women Leave IT? Examining the Factors Associated with the Gender Gap in Information Technology Occupations. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. (National)
Ginther, D. K. (2018, May). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect? University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. (Invited) (International)
Ginther, D. K. (2018, April). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? An Evaluation by Randomized Trial. RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. (Invited) (International)
Ginther, D. K. (2018, April). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect? Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic Research, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. (Invited) (International)
Ginther, D. K. (2018, February). Why Do Women Leave IT? Examining the Factors Associated with the Gender Gap in Information Technology Occupations. Australian Gender Economics Workshop,, Freemantle, Western Australia. (International)
Ginther, D. K. (2017, December). The Impact of Postdoctoral Fellowships on a Future Independent Career in Federally Funded Biomedical Research. Iowa State University. (Invited) (National)
Ginther, D. K. (2017, November). Do State TANF Policies Affect Child Abuse and Neglect? Association for Public Policy and Management Conference, Chicago, IL. (Invited) (National)
Ginther, D. K. (2017, November). Performance Pay and Earnings of High Skilled Workers. Southern Economic Association Conference, Tampa, FL. (Regional)
Ginther, D. K. (2017, November). Why Do Women Leave IT? Examining the Factors Associated with the Gender Gap in Information Technology Occupations. Upjohn Institute, Kalamazoo, MI. (Invited) (National)
Ginther, D. K. (2017, June). Sorting Out the Gender Gap for High Skilled Workers. Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Kansas City, MO. (Invited) (International)
Ginther, D. K. (2017, June). The Determinants of Enrollment Success of Community College Transfer Students. Kansas Board of Regents, Topeka, KS. (Invited)
Ginther, D. (2017, May). Why Do Women Leave IT? Examining the Factors Associated with the Gender Gap in Information Technology Occupations. Gender Inequality in STEM Education and Occupations, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA.
Ginther, D. (2017, April). Fathers’ Multiple-Partner Fertility and Childrens’ Educational Outcomes. Population Association of America Conference, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2016, October). Does Scientific Invention Lead to Academic Entrepreneurship? Labor Market Implications of Entrepreneurship, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2016, September). Publications as Predictors of Racial and Ethnic Differences in NIH Research Awards. Innovation in an Aging Society, NBER Conference, Cambridge, MA.
Ginther, D. (2016, June). Career and Technical Education: What is the Impact of A-OK and SB 155? Kansas Board of Regents, Topeka, KS.
Ginther, D. (2016, April). Gender, Race and Ethnicity and NIH R01 Research Awards: Is There Evidence of a Double-Bind? NIH and the Science of Science and Innovation Policy: A Joint NIH-NSF Workshop.
Ginther, D. (2016, April). Race, Ethnicity & NIH Research Awards: AD2K—Administrative Data to Knowledge. NIH and the Science of Science and Innovation Policy, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
Ginther, D. (2016, April). The Engineering Education-Workforce Continuum. National Academy of Engineering, Convocation of Professional Engineering Societies, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2016, March). Fathers’ Multiple-Partner Fertility and Childrens’ Educational Outcomes. Economic Demography Workshop at the Population Association of America Conference, Washington, DC.
Presentations 2011–2015
Ginther, D. (2015, December). Why Do Women Leave IT? Examining the Factors Associated with the Gender Gap in Information Technology Occupations. Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.
Ginther, D. (2015, November). Why Do Women Leave IT? Examining the Factors Associated with the Gender Gap in Information Technology Occupations. Association of Public Policy Analysis & Management, Miami, FL.
Ginther, D. (2015, August). Where are the Bottlenecks in STEM Majors and Careers in the US? Gender Summit 5 Asia-Pacific 2015, Seoul, South Korea.
Ginther, D. (2015, June). Does Scientific Invention Lead to Academic Entrepreneurship? Society of Labor Economists/ European Association of Labor Economists World Congress, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Ginther, D. (2015, April). Gender, Race and Ethnicity and NIH R01 Research Awards: Is There Evidence of a Double-Bind? Vanderbilt University School of Law, Nashville, TN.
Ginther, D. (2015, April). Publications as Predictors of Racial and Ethnic Differences in NIH Research Awards. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Ginther, D. (2014, November). Gender, Race and Ethnicity and NIH R01 Research Awards: Is There Evidence of a Double-Bind? Association of Public Policy Analysis & Management, Albuquerque, NM.
Ginther, D. (2014, November). The Engineering Education-Workforce Continuum. National Academy of Engineering, Workshop on Pathways of Engineering Talent, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2014, November). The Life Science Workforce, Limits to Growth. Board on Life Sciences, National Research Council.
Ginther, D. (2014, October). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? Interim Results from a Randomized Trial. National Summit on Diversity in the Economics Profession, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2014, October). The Kansas City Research Data Center—A Resource for Researchers. University of Kansas Institute for Policy & Social Research, Lawrence, KS.
Ginther, D. (2014, July). Publications as Predictors of Racial and Ethnic Differences in NIH Research Awards. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Ginther, D. (2014, June). KBOR-DOL Crosswalk: Transition to the Labor Market and Implications for Policy. Kansas Board of Regents, Topeka, KS.
Ginther, D. (2014, March). KBOR-DOL Crosswalk: Transition to the Labor Market and Implications for Policy. Kansas Board of Regents, Topeka, KS.
Ginther, D. (2013, November). The Effects of Research & Development Funding On Scientific Productivity: Academic Chemistry, 1990-2009. Association of Public Policy Analysis & Management, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2013, November). The Effects of Research & Development Funding On Scientific Productivity: Academic Chemistry, 1990-2009. Southern Economic Association Conferencey Analysis & Management, Tampa, FL.
Ginther, D. (2013, September). Gender, Race and Ethnicity and NIH R01 Research Awards: Is There Evidence of a Double-Bind? National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Ginther, D. (2013, September). US Universities and Academic Science Careers: Storm Clouds on the Horizon. National Academies of Science Conference, The Arc of the Academic Research Career: Issues and Implications for U.S. Science and Engineering Leadership, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2013, June). Does Marriage Lead to Specialization in Sweden? An Evaluation of Trends in Adult Earnings Before and After Marriage. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Ginther, D. (2013, June). Women’s Careers in Academic Social Science: Progress, Pitfalls, and Plateaus. Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan.
Ginther, D. (2013, June). Women’s Careers in Academic Social Science: Progress, Pitfalls, and Plateaus. Kobe University, Tokyo, Japan.
Ginther, D. (2012, September). Race, Ethnicity, and NIH Research Awards. University of Massachusetts School of Medicine.
Ginther, D. (2012, June 8). Education and Academic Career Outcomes for Women of Color in Science and Engineering. National Academies of Science Conference Seeking Solutions: Maximizing American Talent by Advancing Women of Color in Academia, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2012, March). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? Interim Results from a Randomized Trial. NIH Conference on Diversity, Bethesda, MD.
Ginther, D. (2012, February). Race, Ethnicity, and NIH Research Awards. Washington, University, St. Louis, MO.
Ginther, D. (2011, December). Does Marriage Lead to Specialization in Sweden? An Evaluation of Trends in Adult Earnings Before and After Marriage. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2011, September). Diversity in Academic Biomedicine: An Evaluation of Education and Career Outcomes with Implications for Policy. University of Kansas, CRESIS Conference.
Ginther, D. (2011, June). Work Activities as Firm-Specific Human Capital: Estimates of the Effects on Wages. North American Meetings of the Econometric Society, St. Louis, MO.
Ginther, D. (2011, April). Dimensions of Diversity in Biomedical Careers: An Evaluation of Career Progression and NIH Funding. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Ginther, D. (2011, April). Does Marriage Matter for Kids? The Impact of Legal Marriage on Child Outcomes. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
Ginther, D. (2011, April). Multiple Partner Fertility and Children’s Educational and Earnings Outcomes in Sweden. Society of Labor Economists Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Ginther, D. (2011, January). Diversity in Academic Biomedicine: An Evaluation of Education and Career Outcomes with Implications for Policy. National Institute of General Medical Science Steering Committee Meeting, Washington, DC.
Presentations 2006–2010
Ginther, D. (2010, December). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? Interim Results from a Randomized Trial. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Ginther, D. (2010, December). Does Scientific Innovation Lead to Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Academic and Industry Sectors. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Ginther, D. (2010, December). Multiple Partner Fertility and Children’s Educational and Earnings Outcomes in Sweden. Family Relationship Symposium, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Ginther, D. (2010, October). Does Scientific Innovation Lead to Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Academic and Industry Sectors. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
Ginther, D. (2010, May). Diversity in Academic Biomedicine: An Evaluation of Education and Career Outcomes with Implications for Policy. American Association of Medical Colleges Workforce Conference, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2010, April). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? Interim Results from a Randomized Trial. Big XII Diversity Meeting, Lawrence, KS.
Ginther, D. (2010, April). Multiple Partner Fertility and Children’s Educational and Earnings Outcomes in Sweden. Population Association of America Conference, Dallas, TX.
Ginther, D. (2009, October). Dimensions of Diversity in Biomedical Careers: An Evaluation of Career Progression and NIH Funding. NIH Working Group on Women in Biomedical Careers, Bethesda, MD.
Ginther, D. (2009, October). Does Marriage Lead to Specialization in Sweden? An Evaluation of Trends in Adult Earnings Before and After Marriage. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Ginther, D. (2009, June). Does Scientific Innovation Lead to Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Academic and Industry Sectors. C2ER Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Ginther, D. (2009, June). Does Scientific Innovation Lead to Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Academic and Industry Sectors. New Practices in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Kauffman-OECD Workshop, Kansas City, MO.
Ginther, D. (2009, May). Does Marriage Lead to Specialization in Sweden? An Evaluation of Trends in Adult Earnings Before and After Marriage. Society of Labor Economists Conference, Cambridge, MA.
Ginther, D. (2009, March). Does Scientific Innovation Lead to Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Academic and Industry Sectors. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Ginther, D. (2009, March). Women’s Careers in Academic Social Science: Progress, Pitfalls, and Plateaus. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Ginther, D. (2009, March). Women’s Careers in Academic Social Science: Progress, Pitfalls, and Plateaus. University of Texas-Dallas, Dallas, TX.
Ginther, D. (2008, April). Does Marriage Lead to Specialization in Sweden? An Evaluation of Trends in Adult Earnings Before and After Marriage. Population Association of America Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Ginther, D. (2007, March). Does Marriage Matter for Kids? The Impact of Legal Marriage on Child Outcomes. Population Association of America Conference, New York, NY.
Ginther, D. (2007, February). Does Science Promote Women? Evidence From Academia 1973-2001. Brandeis University.
Ginther, D. (2007, January). Do Specific Skills Explain Inequality at the Top of the Wage Distribution? Stockholm University, Stockholm Sweden.
Ginther, D. (2006, October). Do Specific Skills Explain Inequality at the Top of the Wage Distribution? University of Maryland.
Ginther, D. (2006, May). Do Specific Skills Explain Inequality at the Top of the Wage Distribution? Society of Labor Economists Conference.
Ginther, D. (2006, April). Selection or Specialization? The Impact of Legal Marriage on Adult Earnings in Sweden. Population Association of America Conference.
Presentations 2003–2005
Ginther, D. (2005, December). The Economics of Gender Differences in Employment Outcomes in Academia. Convocation on Maximizing the Potential of Women in Academe: Biological, Social, and Organizational Contributions to Science and Engineering Success, National Academies of Science, Washington, DC.
Ginther, D. (2005, October). Does Science Promote Women? Evidence From Academia 1973-2001. Science and Engineering Workforce Project, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.
Ginther, D. (2005, July). Work Activities as Firm-Specific Human Capital: Estimates of the Effects on Wages. EALE/SOLE World Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Ginther, D. (2005, May). Does Science Discriminate Against Women? Evidence from Academia, 1973—1997. University of California-Irvine.
Ginther, D. (2004, December). Does Science Discriminate Against Women? Evidence from Academia, 1973—1997. Women, Work, and the Academy: Strategies for Responding to Post-Civil Rights Era Gender Discrimination, Barnard College.
Ginther, D. (2004, April). Family Structure and Child Outcomes in the United States and Sweden. Population Association of America Conference.
Ginther, D. (2004, March). Does Science Discriminate Against Women? Evidence from Academia, 1973—1997. National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
Ginther, D. (2003, November). Does Science Discriminate Against Women? Evidence from Academia, 1973—1997. Southern Economic Association Conference.
Ginther, D. (2003, November). Women in Economics: Moving Up or Falling Off the Academic Career Ladder? Southern Economic Association Conference.
Ginther, D. (2003, September). Does Science Discriminate Against Women? Evidence from Academia, 1973—1997. Stockholm University.
Ginther, D. (2003, June). Family Structure and Child Outcomes in the United States and Sweden. European Society for Population Economics Conference, New York, NY
Ginther, D. (2003, April). Family Structure and Child Outcomes in the United States and Sweden. Economic Demography Workshop at the Population Association of America.
Awards & Honors —
Higuchi-KU Endowment Research Achievement Award, Balfour Jeffrey Award in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023.
Shulenburger Award for Innovation & Advocacy in Scholarly Communication, University of Kansas (2018). Granted annually for exceptional efforts to advance innovations in open sharing and advocacy for positive change in the scholarly communication system.
Honor for the Outstanding Progressive Educator (H.O.P.E) Teaching Award finalist, University of Kansas (2016)
Byron T. Shutz Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Kansas (2012)
Leading Light Award, University of Kansas (2012). For recognition of grant funding exceeding $1 million
University Scholar Award, University of Kansas (2012). For recognition of mid-career scholars who have made significant research contributions to their fields
Women of Distinction Calendar, University of Kansas (2010). For recognition of mentoring activities
Distinguished Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (December 1991 - May 1992)
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Funded Activity 2015–present
Ginther, D. K. Investments in Early Career Scientists: How Do Postdoctoral Research Positions Influence Career Outcomes and Contribute to the Scientific Enterprise? G-2020-14066, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to National Bureau of Economic Research $157,809 (2020 - 2022).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). Collaborative Research: The Effect of State Disinvestment in Higher Education on Research Quality and Returns to Scale in Science Funding. 46368, National Science Foundation $236,790 (June 1, 2019 - May 31, 2022).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), & Johnson-Motoyama, M. (Co-Investigator). How Do State Policies Affect Access to TANF Benefits? 76984, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation $75,000 (2019 - 2020).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). Local Conditions and Child Health. 48280, Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics $19,388 (September 10, 2018 - August 31, 2020).
Ginther, D. (Co-Principal), & Johnson Motoyama, M. (Principal). Exploring the Causal Impacts of Economic and Social Safety Net Policies on Child Neglect in the U.S.: Implications for Primary Prevention. Ctrs for Disease Control and Prevention $1,841,636 (September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2020).
Ginther, D. (Principal). Evaluation of the NIH SEPA T-SCORE Project. Univ of KS Med Ctr Research Institute and National Institutes of Health $110,800 (July 1, 2016 - August 31, 2020).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), & Kahn, S. (Co-Principal). Collaborative Research: Understanding Gender Differences in STEM Academic Careers. National Science Foundation $249,996 (September 15, 2015 - August 31, 2020).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). Scientific Productivity Data of SDR Sample through Linkage: Expanded Manual Validation. 26056, Sri International $64,630 (December 15, 2017 - June 30, 2019).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). Text Mining in Burning Glass Data. 28496, The W.E. Upjohn Institute For Employment Research $5,000 (March 1, 2018 - August 31, 2018).
Ginther, D. (Principal). Scientific Productivity Data of SDR Sample through Linkage: Expanded Manual Validation. SRI International and National Science Foundation $49,357, Submitted October 30, 2017 (November 15, 2017 - August 1, 2018).
Ginther, D. K., Heflin, C., Parry, M., Strom, R., & Willis, J. Kansas City Research Data Center. National Science Foundation $300,000 (2014 - 2017).
Ginther, D. (Principal). EAGER: CeMENT as a Networking Experiment. National Science Foundation $89,655 (September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2017).
Ginther, D. (Principal). The Demand for Community College Credits and Labor Market Outcomes. KS Board of Regents and US Dept of Labor $35,000, Submitted August 8, 2016 (September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2017).
Ginther, D. (Principal). EAGER: Data Infrastructure to Enhance Research on the Scientific Workforce. National Science Foundation $149,952, Submitted June 14, 2016 (August 1, 2016 - August 31, 2017).
Ginther, D. (Principal). Surgical Drape Product for L.A.D. Global Enterprises, Inc., L.A.D Global Enterprises, Inc. $4,034, Submitted January 27, 2017 (January 20, 2017 - June 1, 2017).
Ginther, D. (Principal). The Economic and Social Impacts of Expanding Options in the Kansas Retail Liquor Environment. KS Assoc for Responsible Liquor Laws $17,650 (January 16, 2017 - March 15, 2017).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), & Oslund, P. (Co-Investigator). Examination of Educational & Wage Outcomes for Students' Participation in Workforce Training, as Compared with Peers. Kansas Board of Regents and U.S. Department of Labor $35,000 (2016).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). An Evaluation of Sloan Awards for Faculty Career Flexibility in Medical Schools. B2011-46, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation $125,000 (2011 - 2016).
Ginther, D. (Principal). Understanding Career Outcomes of Physician Scientists in the United States. Net Esolutions Corporation $14,285, Submitted February 8, 2016 (September 1, 2015 - April 15, 2016).
Funded Activity 2010–2015
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). The Economic Status of Women in Kansas, Missouri, and the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Women's Foundation of Great Kansas City (2015).
Ginther, D. K., & Rosenbloom, J. Gender Differences in Computer Science and Information Technology Majors and Careers. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation $124,999 (2014 - 2015).
Ginther, D. K., & Oslund, P. Immigration in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation $35,000 (2013 - 2015).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). Immigration in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Kauffman Foundation $4,750, Submitted January 26, 2015 (February 1, 2015 - March 31, 2015).
Ginther, D. K., Taylor Knight, L. A., & Heppert, J. The Kansas City Area Education Research Consortium (KC-AERC). Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation $770,489 (2013 - 2014).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), Rosenbloom, J. (Principal), Heppert, J. (Principal), & Juhl, T. (Principal). Economic and Scientific Effects of Federal Investments in Chemical Science Research. National Science Foundation $499,604 (2011 - 2014).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), & Kahn, S. (Principal). Economic Explanations for Gender Differences in Biomedical Careers. 1R01AG036820-01, National Institute of Aging $955,728 (2009 - 2013).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), Taylor Knight, L. A. (Principal), & Heppert, J. (Principal). The Kansas City Area Education Research Consortium (KC-AERC). Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation $600,000 (2011 - 2012).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), & Heppert, J. (Principal). Establishing the Kansas City Area Education Research Consortium. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation $979,930 (2009 - 2011).
Funded Activity 2004–2010
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), & Huang, S. (Principal). What is the Impact of Science and Engineering Immigration on the U.S. Economy?, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation $38,952 (2009 - 2010).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), Kahn, S. (Principal), & MacGarvie, M. (Principal). Collaborative Research MOD: Contributions of Foreign Students to Knowledge Creation and Diffusion. SBE-0738347, National Science Foundation $294,280 (2007 - 2010).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), Marschke, G. (Principal), & Kim, J. (Principal). Collaborative Research: Workshop on linking NSF SED/SDR Data to Scientific Productivity. SRS-0725475, National Science Foundation $15,641 (2007 - 2008).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal), Björklund, A. (Principal), & Sundström, M. (Principal). Does Marriage in Sweden Affect Child and Adult Outcomes? R03HD048931, National Institute of Child Health and Development $139,584 (2006 - 2008).
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). Does Innovation Lead to Entrepreneurship. Kauffman Foundation $112,414 (2006 - 2007). University of Kansas Center for Research on Entrepreneurial Activity
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). Entrepreneurship in Science. FND38490, Kauffman Foundation $29,468 (2005 - 2006). University of Kansas Center for Research on Entrepreneurial Activity
Ginther, D. K. (Principal). Gender Differences in Employment Outcomes for Academics in Science and Social Science. SES-0353703, National Science Foundation $292,752 (2004 - 2006).