An Institutional and Behavioral Design Approach to Improving the Use of Flood Forecast Information for the Kansas City Metro Portion of the Missouri River Basin

The goals of the Institutional and Behavioral Design Approach to Improving the Use of Flood Forecast Information for the Kansas City Metro Portion of the Missouri River Basin project are to broaden the capacity for flood early warning systems in the Kansas City Metro region with the aims to: 1) Identify vulnerable populations, physical assets, and environmental and social issues resulting from flooding in the metro region portion of the lower Missouri River Basin; 2) Understand how existing flood forecast tools are used for emergency management, flood hazard mitigation, and individual actions and behaviors; and 3) Envision how optimal institutional protocols, public information campaigns, and refined flood forecast tools can be devised to enhance the region’s resilience

ARISE Research & Education Innovation Awards


Principal Investigator

Chris Koliba, Edwin O. Stene Distinguished Professor of Public Administration, Policy, and Governance

Project Dates

June 2022 – May 2027

Funding Agency