Enhanced Forecast Design Through Experimental Gaming and Social Impact Assessment of Connected River and Floodplains

This project is part of the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH), a national consortium of 20 academic institutions and 8 partners. This research aims to improve water prediction and supports four broad themes: 1) water resources prediction capabilities, 2) community water resources modeling, 3) hydroinformatics, and 4) application of social, economic, and behavioral science to water resources prediction. This part of the project is in partnership with the University of Vermont and focuses on Flood Forecast Design research projects.

NOAA Cooperative Institutes

Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology


Principal Investigator

Chris Koliba, Edwin O. Stene Distinguished Professor of Public Administration, Policy, and Governance

Project Dates

February 2023 – July 2024

Funding Agency