Institute for Policy & Social Research

IPSR is a faculty-driven research center supporting social scientists who focus on social problems and policy-relevant questions. IPSR fosters independent researchers and collaborative teams within our network of faculty affiliates and interdisciplinary research centers.

Research Spotlight: The Cost of Not Expanding Medicaid

Kansans are spending more state resources on Medicaid, health care spending is increasing at a faster rate, and employee premiums for health care are increasing faster in Kansas than in states that expanded Medicaid. This research was sponsored by REACH Health Foundation.
Kansas in stone with moss

Solar farms and direct normal solar resources in Kansas

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IPSR Data Library


Field irrigation
The National Science Foundation Convergence Accelerator has awarded $650,000 to a team led by KU scientists to develop a water data dashboard for local government officials and state government agencies.

Each year, the Kansas Economic Policy Conference convenes community and industry leaders, policymakers and scholars. On Oct. 19, the conference will address workforce needs for Kansas. ...

Stoplight at Troost Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute’s Policies for Action program has awarded more than $382,000 to researchers at KU and the National Academy of Public Administration for a study of how preemptive public policies may contribute to economic insecurity and health inequities in the Kansas City area.


Blake Hall close-up, Fraser reflected in windows

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